Kakutsa Cholokashvili and anti-soviet uprising of 1924

გოჩა საითიძე

₾ 24.95

გამომცემლობა არტანუჯი
ISBN 9789941513541
გვერდები 156
ფორმატი 12.5X19
გამოცემის თარიღი 2024
ყდა რბილი
სტატუსი გაყიდვაშია

After the defeat of the uprising organised in August 1924, Kakutsa Cholokashvili was forced to leave his homeland forever. In Georgia, conquered by Soviet Russia, any mention of this national hero of Georgia was strictly forbidden for many years.

In 1988, with the start of the new era in the national liberation movement, Cholokashvili’s name was heard again and his portrait appeared at demonstrations. After 64 years, Kakutsa Cholokashvili returned to his homeland in this way, hence the number of stories included in this book.

In the chronologically arranged stories, the reader will follow Cholokashvili’s life from the beginning of the struggle for Georgia’s freedom to the arrival of his remains in his homeland.